In the Gosho "Three Tripitaka masters pray for rain Nichiren Daishonin writes "These non-Buddhist teachings came about through a mistaken reading of the various sutras of the Buddhas who preceded Shakyamuni Buddha." The Black Ancient Egyptians practiced Buddhism as the Daishonin writes that there were Buddhas before Shakyamuni. British Historian Geoffrey Higgins talks about this in the book the Analacypsis. Nichiren Shoshu Priests teach a sanitized version of  history  only from a Japanese prospective. If Black people  step outside of the Japanese version of Buddhist history taught by the SGI and Nichiren Shoshu Temple you will find Buddhism  to be more dynamic and interesting.

I started practicing Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism in 1974 prior to 1974 I was studing "Zen Buddhism."  In the late 1980's Daisaku Ikeda sent a Japanese leader to Memphis by the name of George Kusaba.  In the book the "Living Buddha written by Daisaku Ikeda the great Buddhist leader Daisaku Ikeda wrote in his book that the Buddha was "Aryan."  This information did not jail with history and me and George Kusaba had it out regarding the facts of history.  I left the SGI organization because of their teaching such mis-representation.  I later joined NST or Nichiren Shoshu Temple and I lived to see Nichiren Shoshu Priest "Punk out Black People in Memphis."  Rev. Murata punked out the African/Americans in Memphis, Tennessee.

This is Nichiren Shoshu Priest Shingi Iwaki who is the Chief Priest of Myogoji Temple in Chicago who was installed as in March of 2008. We asked this Priest when he visited Memphis to visit our Dr. Martin Luther king Civil Rights Musuem and learn about the culture and history of Memphis and its people. Rev. Iwaki rufused to even say a prayer for Dr. Martin Luther King.  Such Japanese arrogance has no place in America. Rev. Iwaki in February of 2012 had the audacity to ask me leave culture out of Buddhism.
Rev. Iwaki used  Priestly authority and Bully Tactics in Memphis, Tennessee to implement his strong Japanese propogation methods in Memphis.  While I was a Nichiren Shoshu member Rev. Iwaki visited Memphis on serveral occassions and he purposefully made sure I was not informed.  In this August 16, 2008 meeting his 1st in Memphis he was not going to inform me. I called the temple to greet him and he then told me he would be in Memphis in 3 days.
In the Gosho "The Gift of Rice Nichiren Daishonin writes: "The true path lies in the affairs of this world. The Golden Light Sutra states, “To have a profound knowledge of this world is itself Buddhism.” The Nirvana Sutra states, “All of the non- Buddhist scriptures and writings in society are themselves Buddhist teachings, not non-Buddhist teachings.”  The Japanese propagate Buddhism in America with so much Japanese Culture it is difficult to delineate Buddhism and Japanese Culture.  True Buddhism integrates and encompasses all cultures and all people.
In over a decade in Memphis, Tennessee there has not been one single person who has adapted to the Japanese Nichiren Shoshu Priest method of being introduced to Buddhism under the Priest system who has grown in faith or who has continued faithfully to practice Buddhism in Memphis, Tennessee. The Japanese dominate Buddhism System in America comes to America in the way of "Institutional Racism." Institutional Racism and cultural dominance is a "Japanese Practice."   While an individual may not be racist the institution is inherently racism against others races and against women.  The Japanese systems are even more racist against African/American people.  The  late Julius L. Dorsey was a Proud African/American Buddhist who taught Buddhism in Memphis for over 25 years.  Both SGI and Nichiren Shoshu Buddhist leaders discriminated against Julius. Julius proved that African/Americans can practice, love, dedicate and gain faith in Buddhism. Julius introduced many people to Buddhism in Memphis.  The Japanese Priest destroyed the African/American culturally orientated  Buddhist infrastructure that Julius and his wife Jeanette organized in Memphis, Tennessee and they replaced it with a non functional Japanese system that lacks the heart and soul of a culture infusion.