The New Yorker Magazine Writes; James Cameron Man of Extremes
Nichiren Daishonin the "True Buddha" writes in the Gosho, "The gift of rice ;" The true path of life lies in the affairs of this world. The Konkomyo Sutra reads, "To have a profound knowledge of this world is itself Buddhism." The Nirvana sutra reads, "All scriptures or teachings, from whatever source, are ultimately the revelation of Buddhist truth." Based on the teachings of Nichiren Daishonin even the lessons learned by watching the movie Avatar is the revelation of the "Buddhist Truth."

Most religions deal with one day going to heaven and finding a place of bliss and wonder after you die but Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism says; The true path of life lies in the affairs of this world and to have a profound knowledge of this world is itself Buddhism. Further the Daishonin writes "All Scripture or teachings, from whatever source, are ultimately the revelation of Buddhist truth."

For many years I have been watching James Cameron movies and for the most part, if James Cameron was sitting next to me I would not know who he was as I do not know what the face of many directors look like although I know their names and their reputation for making good movies. However this time I had to look up James Cameron and know him better because the movie Avatar touched my heart or rather I realized that Mr. Cameron reached enlightenment in the world of filmmaking. We can call Mr. Cameron a Buddha filmmaker. He is not a Buddha of life but he is certainly a Buddha of filmmaking.

In Buddhism there is a word called Kyo Chi Myogo or fusion of subject and object that Mr. Cameron achieved in his work and this is why we say he reached enlightenment in the world of "Filmmaking. Did you see the last movie on Michael Jackson called "This is it"? When you look at Michael you will realize that Michael achieved "Enlightenment in the World of Music." Michael was in fact a Buddha entertainer, he was not a Buddha in life but he was a Buddha in the world of musical entertainment.

The Gosho reads; ""The true entity of all phenomena can only be understood and shared between Buddhas. This reality consists of the appearance, nature...and their consistency from beginning to end." What does this mean?

Answer: It means that all beings and their environments in any of the Ten Worlds, from Hell at the lowest to Buddhahood at the highest, are, without exception, the manifestations of Myoho-renge-kyo. Where there is an environment, there is life within it. Miao-lo states, "Both life (shoho) and its environment (eho) always manifest Myoho-renge-kyo."1 He also states, "The true entity is invariably revealed in all phenomena, and all phenomena invariably possess the Ten Factors. The Ten Factors invariably function within the Ten Worlds, and the Ten Worlds invariably entail both life and its environment."2 And, "Both the life and environment of Hell exist within the life of Buddha. On the other hand, the life and environment of Buddha do not transcend the lives of common mortals."3 Such precise explanations leave no room for doubt. Thus, all life in the universe is clearly Myoho-renge-kyo.
James Cameron had the "will" or as we say in Buddhism "The Ichinen" to bring This movie to life.  The movie Avatar is an aspect of the life of James Cameron.  Click on the picture to learn more.
Most of us who are born in America grow up learning the Christian Religion theory of life and death. Many believe the Biblical theory of the Garden of Eden and the story of Adam and Eve. "True Buddhism" or the teachings of Nichiren Shoshu postulate the theory of Ichinen Sanzen or 3000 Aspects in a single moment of life. Let us review the 10 Aspects and relate them to the movie Avatar.
Avatar's Moon Pandora Could Be Real, Planet-Hunters Say
1. Appearance : attributes of things discernible from the outside, such as color, form, shape, and behavior. We have an appearance of a new life form and entity in a movie called Avatar. The movie Avatar is a new "life form."
2. Nature: the inherent disposition or quality of a thing or being that cannot be discerned from the outside. T'ient'ai characterizes it as unchanging and irreplaceable. The nature of fire, for instance, is unchanging and cannot be replaced by that of water. He also refers to the "true nature," which he regards as the ultimate truth, or Buddha nature. The movie Avatar has a Nature and it manifest the character and background of its developer James Cameron and much more.
3. Entity : the essence of life that permeates and integrates appearance and nature. These first three factors describe the reality of life itself. The next six factors, from the fourth, power, through the ninth, manifest effect, explain the functions and workings of life. We have the entity of the movie Avatar and all of the cause and effect phenomena that the movie affects and influences.
4. Power: life's potential energy. Every thing has some kind of power whereas the movie Avatar has the power to affect phenomena worldwide. The movie will create an over Billion dollar industry and affect the lives of millions and affect generations to come.

5. Influence: The movie Avatar exhibits the 5th factor of influence. In my personal case I am writing a Buddhist lecture on the subject.
6. Inte rn al cause: the cause latent in life that produces an effect of the same quality as itself, i.e., good, evil, or neutral. All phenomena has an Internal cause. When we look at the background of the movie, its ideas we see the Internal cause inherent in the movie.
7. Relation: the relationship of indirect causes to the internal cause. Indirect causes are various conditions, both internal and external, that help the internal cause produce an effect. We also can describe Relation as Karma and this Karma of the movie Avatar.
8. Latent effect : the effect produced in life when an internal cause is activated through its relationship with various conditions. The phenomena of the movie Avatar will effect generations to come.
9. Manifest effect: the tangible, perceivable result that emerges in time as an expression of a latent effect and therefore of an internal cause, again through its relationship with various conditions. We clearly see the Manifest effect of the creation of the movie Avatar.
10. Consistency from beginning to end: the unifying factor among the ten factors. It indicates that all of the other nine factors from the beginning (appearance) to the end (manifest effect) are consistently and harmoniously interrelated. All nine factors thus consistently and harmoniously express the same condition of existence at any given moment. The phenomena of the movie "Avatar" is consistent from beginning to end.
Click on the picture of Pandora's moon and see video of the Planet Pandora in the movie Avatar you can sse clearly the 10 aspects of phenomena

The teachings of the Buddha Nichiren Daishonin teaches about the 10 words, the 10 aspects and the three realms. Below are the 10 aspects.

Nichiren  Buddhism explains that all phenomena exist in 3000 realms or moments of life. This theory is called Ichinen Sanzen. All phenomena has Ten Aspects 10 x 10 worlds=100 x 10 = 1000 and each world exist in each world x 3 realms= 3000. Instead of giving a complicated theory we use "Avatar" to teach Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism to make it interesting and understandable.
The Gosho “Attaining Buddhahood in Lifetime “reads: “Life at each moment encompasses the body and mind and the self and environment of all sentient beings in the Ten Worlds as well as all insentient beings in the three thousand realms, including plants, sky, earth, and even the minutest particles of dust. Life at each moment permeates the entire realm of phenomena and is revealed in all phenomena. To be awakened to this principle is itself the mutually inclusive relationship of life at each moment and all phenomena.