The Proud Black Buddhist 2001
August Summer Tozan Report
By Anthony "Amp" Elmore Sr.
Alan Billups left Nichiren Shoshu Priest Rev.Yamada and PBB Publisher
Anthony Elmore on the Right. Rev. Yosai Yamada was out of his Priest
Robe in passing when Allen and I asked him to pose for a photograph with
us. Anthony Elmore and Alan Billups made an association with Rev.
Yamada in 1998 during the Ghana Temple opening. Years ago Daisaku
Ikeda excommunicated 90% of the Ghana members and the Ghana
members practiced without any connection with the Priesthood for years.
When Nichiren Shoshu learned about the African members plight High
Priest Nikken Shonin displached Rev. Yamada to Ghana to help the
African members. Everything now is history and the first Nichiren Shoshu
temple in Ghana was opened in February of 1998.
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