You may ask the question Anthony Elmore what do you mean that Nichiren Daishonin talked about race? Let me give you an example if someone were to write about slavery in America we do not have to guess what race and it would be impossible to even mention the word slavery without having visions in your mind about Black people being whipped, hung, and working for nothing. I challenge any Blackman to hear a White man talk about slavery and not feel uncomfortable.

Please understand this analogy if I told you that I was the son of a former slave you would have a vision of me as Black and if a man told me that he was the son of a former slavemaster you would see that man as White. Certain things are obvious, we simply understand with even questioning. If the words were said “Lets put them back in Slavery” a Black man would not be comfortable with such words because he would know whom they are referring too.

Now in understanding my analogy lets get back to Nichiren Daishonin's Gosho. We all know of Saint Nichiren Daishonin.  We have records of Nichiren Daishonin's extensive study history. Nichiren Daishonin studied all Buddhist history. When the Daishonin writes a word or phase he knew exactly what he was saying. I ask this question do you believe that the Daishonin knew the difference between a Fisherman's family and a Chandala family? Can we compare a Chandala family to a Japanese fisherman's family? Some writes that the Daishonin meant that he was implying that he was from a low class.

When I write that there is a Black spin to Buddhism you must understand that it is impossible to really understand the history of Buddhism without understanding race. I make this point clear White people and Japanese people have written Black people out of history and when you read history you have to read in-between the lines. Most White people and Japanese people are not going to give you a clear picture of Buddhist history.

Just read in the Japanese and White books about the definition of the word Chandala. They simply say that the Chandala people were just a low class in India people who swept the streets and killed living things ect. The real reason we need a Black Buddhist Website is because via a Black Buddhist website we can learn the real deal.

Brothers and Sisters let me give it to you straight the “Chandala People” of India were the oppressed Black people of India. Japanese Priests may cover it up and say that they were a only a lower class but I am here to tell you that the Chandala were Black people in India who were treated lower than animals. If you can put in your minds about the horrors of American slavery, think about a system even worst. It is hard to imagine that anything could have been worst than American slavery, but the “Black Chandala” were treated worst than slavery. Do you think that the Daishonin knew that the Chandala were the Black people of India. I ask you to ask your Priest that question. Let me first clarify the meaning of a Chandala. But first let me give you a quote from some Brahmin Teachings .

“Trishanku was angered by their derisive laughter. He stood erect and said - "if you and your father refuse to help me out, can I not find someone to do it? I will get the' help from someone else and perform the necessary sacrificial rite." This bold reply piqued the sons of Vashishta. They said, "Because you have turned a traitor to your Guru, You shall become a 'Chandala' ." Immediately king Trishanku lost his color and beauty. He became black, his hair became rough and he indeed became a ' Chandala' . His followers and ministers left him in disgust. Trishanku's grief knew no bounds.”

This is what we find in the Glossary of “The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin” published by the Soka Gakkai in 1999. Chandala (skt) The untouchable caste, below the lowest of the four classes in ancient India. People in this class handled corpses, butchered animals, and carried out other tasks connected with death or killing of living things. Since Nichiren Daishonin was born to a family of fishermen, he declared himself to be a member or the Chandala.

Let us review this
Chandala thing from a Black history perspective. We have written in other lectures about the ancient grand civilizations in India. If you refer to the Nichiren Shoshu magazine December 1994 and January of 1995 you will find a Buddhist history before the Buddha. They talk about Harappa Daro and Mohenjo Daro ancient Indus Valley Indian civilizations. What no one will tell you is that the first inhabitants of India were Black people from Africa thousands of years ago. Also another group of African came to India called the Proto Australoid who we call the Australia Aborigines. The Proto Australoid and the African Negroid made us what we call the Dravidian people of India. In southern India today the Proto Australoid lives in India today. They are simply Black people with straight hair.
