The Chandala or Sudra were the Black people of India.

Greetings to all of Buddhist friends this morning as I was driving to work I was laughing inside myself because I sound like a Buddhist Preacher. The Black Preacher gets in the pulpit and says “God put this on my heart this morning to tell yall something”. As a Buddhist I am not going to tell you that God put something on my heart and I am not going to say the Gohonzon put something on my heart. I will say however that there is something on my heart that I must write about. Just a few days ago this Hokkeko brother who is a leader in New York made some ignorant remarks about our “Proud Black Buddhist” website. The New York brother spouts “If it ain’t sanctioned by the priest it ain’t real”. The Gosho reads and check me on this quote because I am coming out of my head but I think you will get my point; “the Gold that a fool posse is the same Gold that a wise man posse”, “the fire that a wise man posse is the same fire that a fool posse”. The point that I am making is “Truth is Truth because of its inherent nature and not because of Priest sanctioning”.

This Nichiren  African and African/American website is not sanction,  however because it is not sanction does not mean that we are unreal or false. Regardless of what the critics may write we provide a viable function to those seeking to learn “True Buddhism”. The True Entity Of Life Gosho reads; “Exert yourself in the two ways of practice and study. Without practice and study, there can be no Buddhism. You must not only persevere yourself; you must teach others. Both practice and study arise from faith. Teach others to the best of your ability, even if only a single sentence or phase.”

It is Nichiren Daishonin who writes “Exert” the Daishonin did not say be casual about practice and study. The Daishonin writes “teach others to the best of your ability, if only a single sentence or phase. We at our Website can teach more than a single sentence or phase and our cause to do so is mandated by the Daishonin who tells us to teach to the best of our ability.
