This lecture Elvis and Buddhism is written more for me than the reader.  I love Elvis and I hate Elvis. It is not Elvis that I hate, however I hate Ethnocentrism.  When you research, Elvis did not call himself the "King of Rock and Roll."  Elvis died a tragic death in Memphis and he was only 42 years old.  While myself and many African Americans try to distance ourselves from Elvis Presley, Elvis is a part of our lives and psyche. In my life I have many, many personal ties with Elvis Presley history, culture and association. Just because I am a proud Memphian makes me love Elvis.  I know people who are tormented with drug use. Such states of living is a terrible tragedy.
There is a Gosho (writings of Nichiren Daishonin) called: "SAGE AND AN UNENLIGHTENED MAN"  The quote is long, but it talks not only about Elvis but it covers how we humans live and not know how to bring the best from our lives.  This teachings fron Nichiren Daishonin touches Elvis.
How sad, how lamentable it is! From the beginningless past, we have been drunk on the wine of ignorance, reborn again and again in the six paths of existence and the four forms of birth. Sometimes we gasp amid the flames of the hell of burning heat or the hell of great burning heat; sometimes we are frozen in the ice of the hell of the crimson lotus or the hell of the great crimson lotus. Sometimes we must endure the hunger and thirst that torment those in the realm of hungry spirits, for five hundred lifetimes not so much as hearing the word “food” or “drink.” Sometimes we suffer being wounded and killed in the realm of animals, the wounding and killing that occur when the small are swallowed up by the large, or the short engulfed by the long. Sometimes we face the contention and strife of the realm of asuras; sometimes we are born as human beings and undergo the eight sufferings of birth, aging, sickness, death, the pain of parting from loved ones, the pain of encountering those whom we hate, the pain of failing to obtain what we desire, and the pain that arises from the five components of body and mind. And sometimes we are born in the realm of heaven and experience the five signs of decay.
Buddhism deals with the law of cause and effect and Karma. We move from world to world.  There are 10 worlds in Buddhist teaching, but each 10 world are in each other.  Let me explain:  Elvis Presley and other people who become "Rich and Famous" travel to the world of "Heaven."  Those who are addicted dwell or seek out the world of Heaven.  In the world of Heaven is also the "World of Hell." They experience "Hell in the World of Heaven."  Many experience the "Five signs of Decay" in the world of "Heaven."  When you see such people that are about to die and their lives show the signs of Decay.  Let us examine the "Five Signs of Decay."
Also, five types of decay. Five signs of decline displayed by heavenly beings when their lives are about to end. These signs differ according to the sutras. The Nirvana Sutra describes these five: (1) their clothes become soiled, (2) the flowers on their heads wither, (3) their bodies become dirty and smell bad, (4) they sweat under the armpits, and (5) they do not feel happy, wherever they may be.  Fans had no idea that Elvis Presley's body became dirty and smelled bad the evidence is written below. Elvis had a case of dirty clothes.  Imagine not being able to use the bathroom, this is a condition of hell.
The clear-cut sign of those who suffer the 5 signs signs of decay is the fact that such people do not feel happy, wherever they may be.  There is nothing worst than being in the world of hell and not finding hope or happiness.  We can take this issue further.   Do not take my word for it read for yourself.  This is taken from a report from the Medical Bag.
"According his autopsy, the diameter of Elvis’s colon was 5 to 6 inches, which is about double the size of the typical person’s, and instead of being 4 to 5 feet long, his colon was 8 to 9 feet in length.

“We found stool in his colon which had been there for four or five months because of the poor motility of the bowel.”

Nichopoulos noted that Elvis had inherited a condition called bowel paralysis, which made defecating difficult.

“He would get embarrassed,” he said. “He’d have accidents onstage. He’d have to change clothes and come back because of the way we were trying to treat his constipation.”
It is as clear as I am living the Elvis Presley suffered the 5 signs of Decay.  It hurts me to see any human dying and being sick.  Elvis Presley was sick.   Michael Jackson understood what happen in his life.  You wake up and find yourself in a "Living Hell."  You are surrounded with demons.  Friends who are suppose to be your friends are not friends that are just around you to take and not give.  Buddhism teaches that life and sickly or are cycle.  Our prayers can touch the life of Elvis.