The Gosho (Nichiren Daishonin “(Japanese Sage)” Writings) reads: "only Buddhas know the “True entity of all phenomena.. the nature form true entity…..While Elvis Presley represented the epitome of "White Culture" African Americans went on to find pride in our culture, in our hair and we found pride and dignity in Soul Music.
In the 1960's African Americans went through a "Cultural Revolution."  The music of Black people  was clearly delineated from "Rock and Roll Music" of Elvis.  Issac Hayes and David Porter from Memphis wrote a song called "Soul Man."  In the above Video of Stax singers Sam and Dave they show the "Soul Clap" in 1969.  Later John Belushi and Akoryd did the soul man song.
The Ten Aspects of Ichinen Sanzen  Teachings
We hope that we have given you an introduction to the Buddhist teachings explained by the Japanese Buddhist Sage Nichiren Daishonin. Before there could be a Michael Jackson there had to be a James Brown. Buddhism explains life in the terms of the law of cause and effect.  We explained how an Elvis Presley emerged using the ten aspects.  We factor in Slavery, Cotton, Chitlins.  More important is that we teach Buddhism from the standpoint of culture.  Buddhism is often mixed up with oriental culture.  In my personal case the Nichiren Shoshu Priest do not support the idea of non Priest lecturing on Buddhism.  We  call such thinking as racism or Japanese Ethnocentrism.

The Gosho (Nichiren Daishonin “(Japanese Sage)” Writings) reads: "only Buddhas know the “True entity of all phenomena.. the nature form true entity.  When you view Elvis and Buddhism it becomes clear how we find that Elvis daughter Lisa Marie Presley ending up marrings Michael Jackson. Nor is it  a random chance that Michael Jackson suffered a simular faith as Elvis Presley. We humans as Buddhism teach live in the "Realm of Human Beings" and we are all "interelated."  Elvis Aaron Presley had the "Karma to be the King of Rock and Roll."  When we understand the "concept of time" no African American could have been the "King of Rock and Roll."  We move to different times and conditions and a Michael Jackson could emerge as the "The King of Pop."  Michael as Elvis lacked the ability to touch their inner-enlighten life condition. Their lives touched the realm of the life condition of hell.  It must be hell not being able to enjoy a simple night of rest.

Click on the picture on Michael Jackson and listen to him tell with his own worlds that the greatest influence in regards to his singing career was James Brown.  James Brown influenced Prince and many others.
What Really Happened Between Elvis Presley and Black People

When I was a kid growning up in Memphis while I did not want to admit it we alled loved Elvis Presley.  All of us little children song "Hound dog."  When we got older we stopped admiring Elvis. There is a Clear-cut reason why Black people stopped loving Elvis Presley. I was at the Dentist office of my friend and Memphis Musician Dr. Alfred Brown.  I told Dr. Brown that I was writing a lecture on Elvis. Dr. Brown said; "Elvis Presley is my man I love Elvis Presley more than anybody in music.  We all loved Elvis. When I was in the band at Washington high school we played Elvis Marching down Beale Street. We loved Elvis."  I said Doc Brown what happen between Elvis and Black people.?

Dr. Brown knocked it out of the Park.  Dr. Brown said I will tell you exactly what happen to Elvis Presely and Black people. You may not like it but Colonel Parker came up with a brillant marketing idea.
Everyone who knew Elvis Presley knew that Elvis Presley was "one of us." Elvis Presely was a "Brother." Elvis could go to Black Churches and hang around Black people because he had the "spirit of Black people."  Colonel Parker put out the rumor that Elvis said that all Black people can do for him was "Buy his records and shine his shoes."  Dr. Brown was clear that when the story came out Elvis Presley Elvis Presley said; "anyone who knows me, know that I would not say a thing like that."   What that statement did was put a "wedge" between Elvis and Black people.  The Whites could accept Elvis 100%.  The Blacks could shy away from Elvis Presley.  We Black people grew away from Elvis.  Elvis was the King to White people.  When it came to Black people Elvis was just another "White Man."
Those of us who love Elvis understand that Elvis died a young man. Elvis Presley never lived to tell Elvis side of the story.  In 1968 Dr. Martin Luther King was killed in Memphis.  Elvis never lived to straighten his reputation with Black people.  Elvis was not a "Racist." Soul brother number one James Brown loved Elvis. There is no way James Brown who have honored Elvis so would have done so if he was a racist. Certainly Muhammad Ali would have not dealt with Elvis Presley. Elvis and myself were Karate brothers. 
Let me share something with everyone that would be difficult to understand. My Buddhist  practice allowed me the opportunity to meet the spirit of Elvis Presley.  We have the opportunity via the "Lotus Sutra"  to reach the lives of even deceased people.  Because I recited the Lotus Sutra for Elvis Presley, Elvis was able to touch my heart.  I got a message from Elvis that told me that those who love Elvis will fill his spirit in Anthony "Amp" Elmore.  One day I will meet various White people and we will connect because of Elvis Presley.   In this lecture we show a Japanese Buddhist Priest Shina Iwaki.  It was the spirit of Elvis Presley  that said Amp you are from Memphis, Tennessee "The Soul of America" you are allowing Japanese cultural domination. The spirit of Elvis Presley gave me the courage to fight racism in Buddhism.  There is more, the Black story of Elvis Presley has never been told. We at the Proud Black Buddhist website had the wonderful opportunity to tell the Black side of Elvis Presley.  We call ourselves "Proud Black Buddhist" because of Elvis Presley there will be Whites who will connect with us.  Someday thanks to our story they will make a movie about Elvis that shows his "Blackside." We Buddhist will remember Elvis Presley in our prayers.  Elvis even in death can help bridge the racial divide in America.  Elvis Presley; Anthony "Amp" Elmore got your back and when I see your friend George Kline again I will pass this story to George.  George has the background to help such a story get to mainstream America.  This can happen because of Buddhism and Elvis Presley.