Let us examine the Nichiren  Buddhist concept of bringing out your higher life condition. Nichiren Daishonin Writes;
In East Africa there is a tribe called the Massai ho came from Ethiopia 5000 years ago.  The Masia women all cut their hair while the men wear a African lock Style.  Good hair among women in the Masai tribe is a mute subject since the women do not wear hair at all. This is Karma.  Notice the picture of the woman on the left, she has the same face as the Masai women but a differnt Karma. These Massai women are in an isolated culture in Africa.
This is a picture of Ms. Indie Persis Khambatta an India actor who starred in the Star Trek Motion Picture movie.  This actress express complete confidence in her bald head appearance.  Beside her is a beautiful Massai Woman. Who is just as beautiful.  Ms. Khambatta was a beauty Queen in India and she dated many powerful men. Please click on the link to see other picture of her with hair and picture of her in other roles.
The Practice of Buddhism is to bring out your highest life condition called  Buddahood.  We chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo to bring out our high life condtions. One can represent heaven on the outside and feel hell on the inside or you can feel the highest condition called Buddhahood
Singer Indie Arie unlike many African/American women who feel the need for chemicals to straighten their hair or the pressure to wear the hair of women from India. Ms. Arie demostrated a life condition to enhance her cultural beauty and refect a natural beauty and cultural Pride.  Click on any picture to see the Video "I am not my hair".
This Massia Women reflect a natural beauty and part of her culture is to shave her head.  When entering the main stream society this culture will change.
We could be certain to venture to say if one asked Indie Arie what is good hair she would certainly point to her head