Meet And Greet Black Buddhas Of The Past
Buddha 10th Century Bronze
Buddha 12th Century AD.
Buddha From India First Century AD.
7th Century Thailand
Notice The Peppercorn
Hair Style
Buddha From Early Thailand
Colossal Buddha Head from Vietnam
In a Book called the Anacalypsis written by Bristish Historian Sir Godfrey Higgins  written doing the time of slavery in America in the 1860's on page 161 Godfrey Higgins tells of a strange phenomena regarding hair that occurs whenever it is explained in history about the Hair on the head of the Buddha Shakyamuni. 

"But yet there is one circumstance of very great importance which is peculiar to Buddha, and forms a discriminating mark between him and Cristna, which is, that he is continually described as a Negro, not only with a black complexion, in which he agrees with Cristna, but with woolly hair and flat face. M. Creuzer observes, that the black Buddha, with frizzled or curled hair, attaches himself at the same time to the three systems into which the religion of India divides itself.
Mr. Moore, on his woolly head, says, "Some statues of Buddha certainly exhibit thick Ethiopian lips;* but all woolly hair : there is something mysterious, and unexplained, connected with the hair of this, and only of this, Indian deity. The fact of so many different tales having been invented to account for his crisped, woolly head, is alone sufficient to excite suspicion, that there is something to conceal-something to be ashamed of; more than meets the eye."**

* The lips are often tinged with red to shew that the blackness does not arise from the colour of the bronze or stone of which the image is made, but that black is the colour of the God.
** Moore's Pantheon, p.232.
The reason why Buddha is a Negro, at least in the very old icons, I trust I shall be able to explain in a satisfactory manner hereafter. The Brahmins form a species of corporation, a sacerdotal aristocracy, possessing great privileges; but the Buddhists have a regular hierarchy; they form a state within a state, or a spiritual monarchy at the side of a temporal one. "They have their cloisters, their monastic life, and a religious rule. Their monks form a priesthood numerous and powerful, and they place their first great founder at their head as the sacred depositary of their faith, which is transmitted by the spiritual prince, who is supported by the contributions of the faithful, from generation to generation, similar to that of the Lamas of Thibet." M. Creuzer might have said, not similar to, but identical with the Lama himself; who, like the Pope of Rome, is God on Earth, at the head of all, a title which the latter formerly assumed. Indeed the close similarity between the two is quite wonderful to those who do not understand it.
The monks and nuns of the Buddhists, here noticed by M. Creuzer, take the three cardinal vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience,-the same as the monks and nuns of the European Christians. This singular fact at once proves the identity of the orders in the two communities, and that they must have had a common origin. I know not any circumstance of consequence in their economy in which they differ."

In a March 31, 1979 speech by Nichiren Shoshu 66th High Priest Nittatsu Shonin to the   Myokan-Kai (A group of priests who recieved training directly from Nittatsu Shonin) 66th High Priest Nittatsu Shonin emphasized to Nichiren Shoshu Priests as well as to Nichiren Shoshu lay members regarding the importance of study.  High Priest Nittatsu Shonin said" In the past, at the Rissho, ( a well-known school run by the Minobu sect), Buddhist study was introduced at the high school level.  Even the Rissho Ankoku Ron was  taught to the High school students.  Today, however, such a lecture is unavailable until one reaches the university level.  That is why the people of the past had a clear understanding of general Buddhism.  Today, for the most part, Buddhist study has been neglected.  For this reason, please attend a university even   now and absorb the available lectures on Buddhist studies, even if they involve other sects.  Redouble your efforts to study the teachings of our sect to correctly prepare yourselves."   

Let me make this point clear; in 1992 I departed the SGI Buddhist organization regarding the issue of the Black Buddha and correct history. In Nichiren Shoshu I asked well respected Priests in America about this subject only to learn that they too are misinformed about this history  and one Priest refused to even discuss the subject.  The doctrines in Nichiren Shoshu writings are correct on this subject in that that identify the historical Buddha as a  Dravian, but Priest in America whom I talked to are misinformed and a well respected Priest told me that he thought Shakyamuni was of Aryan decent.

I challenge Nichiren Shoshu Buddhist to not only rely on the Priest but learn historical Buddhism for yourself and challenge even a Priest to teach the history of this  religion correctly and make sure that you are respected. In America many  Nichiren  Priest only remain in the realm of Japanese culture if we expect this wonderful teachings to move into society then we must adopt to American culture. We at the Proud Black Buddhist website expose the Japanese Racism regarding the Black Buddha they see the hair on the ancient Buddhist statues and they will look you right in the eye and deny history.  African Americans need Black teachers who will tell you the truth.  This is what this lecture is about truth and history.
The Nichiren Shoshu 66th high Priest encouraged Priests and lay people to get a correct understanding of the historical Buddhist teachings, if one does not understand racism in India and the history of the caste system you cannot get a clear picture of Buddhism in India and how Buddhism was later taken over by Bramanism or Santified racism that exist in India today.  It was the Blacks in India that practiced Buddhism.  The Minobu Sect the High Priest is referring to is the Nichiren Shu Buddhist Sect.