When this Nichiren Shoshu Temple in Ghana was built in 1998 many of the youth in these pictures were not born. These African youth are brought up in a Buddhist Temple where their culture is integrated into the Buddhist Temple. In the background is the Buddhist altar. Right in the temple is African drumming and dancing. I can clearly speak about Memphis, Tennessee and the Temple in Chicago. The Priest initiated a form of Buddhism in Memphis void of Black Culture. The Buddhist meetings in Memphis were about 99% African/American and void of Black culture.  There is no Black Singing, preaching, Teaching or Black culture held at the meetings right in the hood in Memphis. The priest brought Japanese Culture in Memphis and not Buddhist teaching. Buddhism integrates with the life and spirit of the people practicing it.
We took these pictures at a Buddhist Oshiki ceremony in Ghana. Black Youth in American love rap music and dancing. In Memphis the Priest stripped the Black culture away from meeting and put Black people under a Japanese regiment.
The spirit of Buddhism manifest in the culture of a people. What I see in America is a dominate Japanese Culture of Buddhism being taught rather than the natural manifestation of people practicing Nichiren Daishonin's teaching integrated in a cultural paradigm.