Even in all of its majesty, as heaven is decribed in the Bible as land of Milk and Honey and streets paved in Gold, Heaven is not really heaven. I am told that in the Muslim Koran a man will have 20 virgins waiting for him. In the real world 20 virgins is only a temporary heaven.  In Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism we learn that "True Happiness" is chanting "Nam Myoho Renge Kyo" to our Gohonzon we will explain later.

We will use the example of Tiger Woods to help us to explain the Teachings of Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism
Tiger Woods the best Golfer in the world who has everything.
This is the Tiger Wood Yatch.  Imagine one single person having anything in the world that you can imagine.  This has got to be what we call as heaven
This is the Tiger Woods Mansion by what we know as heaven this is a real heaven on earth.
This is Tiger Woods wife the beautiful swedish beauty Elin Nordegren who is Whiter than White.
The above pictures represent everything we can possibly imagine or define as a living heaven on earth.  If you closely examine the spirit of these photographs you will find in Tiger Woods an inter-related quality and deep seated hate for Black people as you will find if you study the life of the late Michael Jackson.  In the life time of Tiger Woods own Black father Mr. Earl Woods, Mr. Earl Woods would been killed in America if he simply said out of his mouth that he wanted his son to grew up and marry a White Woman.  White Conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh also noticed Tiger's choice of women and he knows that there is something inside of Tiger Woods that is deeper that what meets the eye.  A Buddha understands such phenomena.  This subject of Black people with a White mental complex is a lecture on its own. Please click on the picture of Tiger below and enjoy a soul song "A Heart is a house for love." This is a soul lecture.

The high and Enlighten Buddhist teachings of Nichiren Daishonin deals with the wisdom of understanding the law of  cause and effect as to opposed to other religions that stress the governing of behavior based on moral codes.

Tiger Woods had many women and many women had Tiger Woods these were relationships that are called Karma.
Love Sex and Relationships in Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism is the phenomena of life and all can be the cause of hell or Buddhahood.  We chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo and practice the Buddhist teachings so that we can make this phenomena a cause for Buddhahood instead of it becoming a cause for hell. Nichiren Daishonin the True Buddha writes in the Gosho; "Earthly Desires are Enlightenment; "Chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo during the physical union of man and woman is indeed what is called “earthly desires are enlightenment.”  A relationship can be the cause that makes us chant and practice Buddhism and the practice of Buddhism will lead to absolute happiness.
Basketball great Wilt Chamberline wrote in his book "A View from Above" that he estimated having sex with over 20,000 women.  In the 1991 book he wrote; "At my age that equals out to having sex with 1.2 women a day, every day since I was fifteen years old."  After allegently having sex with over 20,000 women the late Wilt Chamberline never married and he never had children.  In the lives of many people especially men whose life is at a point where they believe that sex is the most important thing in the world, what would you rather have; sex with 20,000 women who do not love you or would you chose to have sex 20,000 times with a woman who loves you and you love her?  We practice Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism so that we are wise enought to make the correct decisions about Love, Sex and Relationships. 
Look at these women, are these women the victims of Tiger Woods or are Tiger Woods the victims of these women.  Perhaps the relationship are all mutual consent and works to the benefit of everyone.  Tiger Woods is a handsome man and even if he was not the famous Tiger Woods there are women who would give him sex for the sheer pleasure of what sex gives us as human beings.  The reason that the Tiger Woods sex scandal is one of the largest news stories worldwide is because human beings enjoy sex.  We watch sex, we talk sex, we live sex, we sleep sex and for most of us instead of reading this Buddhist lecture we would rather be having sex.  Chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo and practicing Buddhism gives us the best was to deal with Love, Sex and Relationships.