Malcolm once said that you can't put kittens in the oven and call them biscuits. No matter how you cook them they are still Kittens. Malcolm X would encourage Black Buddhist to be Proud Black Buddhist. Malcolm would encourage Black people to be good citizens, strong community leaders. While they are Buddhist he would also encourage them to be strong and proud of your African and Black Heritage as other ethnic groups are proud of their ethnic heritage.  Malcolm X taught us to study hard.  Nichiren Daishonin writes: "Exert yourself in the two ways of practice and Study, without practice and study there can be no Buddhism."

The writer of the introduction to the documentary & Book "Malcolm Make It
Plain" begins by saying that before Malcolm it was the Age of the Negro, an era of
pseudo racial "peace upon which Malcolm exploded like wanton shell burst and
changed forever the way that "Negroes" and America thought about themselves
and one another.

In 1991 I as an African/American wrote about the racism in the SGI Buddhist organization I was a member of.  How many African/Americans had transformed themselves into Negroes a term and title African/Americans have hopefully moved passed. It was Malcolm X that taught Black Pride and stung our consciences and awakened our minds. As the writer writes "He was---and there is no other honest way to put this----our spiritual and intellectual father, breathing into us a new mental and racial life. And pride was only part of it. Where we were stumbling, Malcolm picked us up. Where we were confused, Malcolm illuminated. Wh
ere we were timid, Malcolm emboldened. Malcolm was the Messenger's Messenger, but he was our prophet, our crusader, our heretic, our big brother. If they insulted us, he sprang to our defense. If they lied, he exposed. If they slandered, he ridiculed. And if they injured, he threatened."

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In the Gosho "The Gift of Rice" Nichiren Daishonin writes: "The true path lies in the affairs of this world. The Golden Light Sutra states, “To have a profound knowledge of this world is itself Buddhism.” The Nirvana Sutra states, “All of the non-Buddhist scriptures and writings in society are themselves Buddhist teachings, not non-Buddhist teachings.”

"When the Great Teacher Miao-lo compared these passages with the one from the sixth volume of the Lotus Sutra that reads, “No worldly affairs of life or work are ever contrary to the true reality,” he revealed their meaning and pointed out that although the first two sutras are profound, since their meaning is still shallow and fails to approach that of the Lotus Sutra , they relate secular matters in terms of Buddhism, whereas the Lotus Sutra explains that in the end secular matters are the entirety of Buddhism."
Please understand that based on the Gosho Black people have been bambozelled by many of our Japanese teachers.  The Lotus Sutra explains that in the end secular matters are the entirety of Buddhism. Please note the the "LOTUS SUTRA" is the essence of the Buddha's Teachings.  "SECULAR MATTERS" are the entirety of Buddhism. We at the Proud Black Buddhist Website read the Gosho.  Japanese leaders  and Priest take you outside of the "LOTUS SUTRA" and give you a lot of Culture.  Buddhism is "SECULAR MATTERS." Please ask your Buddhist teacher to explain this one.