Maude Elmore DeVictor Buddhist Sister On
The Move

Maude in The Ghana Temple Feb.99
Chicago Temple June 26, 1999
Chicago Temple Celebration June 99
Many Buddhist relate to the Tina Turner story about how Tina applied the
Buddhist teachings to reform her life. Years before the Tina Turner story
a made for television story was produced about the life of another Nichiren
Shoshu member; Maude Elmore Devitor. This May 11, 1999 marks the 23 year
for Maude as a Nichiren Shoshu Buddhist. During her SGI days Maude was a
diligent behind the scenes worker and perhaps it was her behind the scenes
efforts that lead her to continue her faith in Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism
after the SGI rift. Because she was a behind the scenes worker Maude
always had a relationship with her priest as well as SGI activities and
when the SGI feed its members false information about the Priesthood Maude
could recognize the inconsistencies and remaining with Nichiren Shoshu was
always a clear choice for Maude. The made for television story about Maude
was a story about human courage and sincerity. The movie about Maude was
titled "Unnatural Causes" about government worker who blew the whistle
about Viet Nam veterans dying of cancer who were exposed to the deadly
Agent Chemicals. Maude exposing the deadly effects of the Agent Orange
resulted in over a Billion dollar settlement to veterans and their
families. Worst than the effects of Agent Orange is the accumulations of
bad karma of slandering True Buddhism by the SGI and Maude Devictor
attempted to warn SGI members about the slanders. With her usual courage
and conviction Maude has remained a faithful Nichiren Shoshu believer over
the years. Years ago Maude was dying in the hospital with cancer where she
was introduced to Buddhism. By practicing hard and never doubting Maude
overcame her cancer and is faithful to Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism, always
encouraging others to practice and always supporting Nichiren Shoshu. In
1998 and 1999 Maude traveled to Ghana for the first Nichiren Shoshu Temple
opening in Ghana. Maude encourages Americans members to travel to Ghana to
be encouraged by the will and spirit of the members in Ghana. If you
happen to be at the Chicago Temple, Taisekiji or Ghana and you see a proud
full figured sister with a short Fro in the mix it will more likely be
Maude Elmore Devictor.