Samuel Adonteng
Proud Black Buddhist Ghana Correspondent
We at the Proud Black Buddhist Website
are proud to introduce to you our Ghana
correspondent Mr. Samuel Adonteng. Mr.
Samuel Adonteng had been practicing
Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism for over
twenty two years. Mr. Adonteng lives and
work in Accra, Ghana. Mr. Adonteng
works as in the African exports industry.
He is married to his wife Joyce who is an
African fashion designer. They both
practice and they have two children.
Samuel is committed to help other learn
about the Nichiren Shoshu practice in
Ghana. Samuel will take photographs and
type experiences.
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Click Here To Read Ghana Members Experiences
William Giles And Maude Devictor Have traveled to
Ghana for their Temple anniversary for the last three
years. Please Read an interview with Bill in Maude
at the Ghana Temple in February of 2000. They tell
of their excitement of being at the Ghana Temple.
Click Here For Interview