Mrs. Rose Aidoo Honest Heart And Determined
Spirit Impress Even long Term Buddhist
Mrs. Rose Aidoo represent the spirit and mind of many practicing Buddhism in Ghana. Mrs.
Rose began chanting in 1999 at the advice of her son. Prior to becoming a Buddhist she was
driven to many Churches and spiritualists trying to find a cure for her dreaded disease of
insomina. Mrs. Rose Insomia was many years of painful sleepless nights, that resulted in
suffering and at time spells. When she first began chanting she was able for the first time to
sleep deeply without the aid of drugs. This initial benefit conviced her to fully embrace the
Gohonzon. Mrs. Rose faith and sincerity to the Gohonzon had her doing literally 24 hour
Marathons Daimoku in front of the Gohonzon. Even Rev. Yorshida could not believe her sincere
drive and faith to practice so sincerely. Her illness and sleepless condition had almost vanished
completely and she is a dedicated Nichiren Shoshu member telling everyone about the benefit of
the Gohonzon. Although Mrs. Aidoo cannot read and write she is determined to master the
reading of the Sutra. Despite her inability to read she is doing Shakubuku and she appreciates
her Buddhist practice. If you ever happen to travel to to Ghana or attempt to understand the
Buddhist spirit in Ghana then think of sincere members like Mrs. Rose Aidoo.
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