Kwaku Onyina A Kumasi Member Who
Upholds The Buddhist Faith
This is a Shot In Kumasi Outside Of Kwaku Work Place
This Is The Auto Supply Where Kwaku Work
Kwaku Onyina at a Buddhist Meeting In Ghana
Kwaku Onyina At Work During A 1998 Interview
In June of 1998 I had the pleasure to travel to Kumasi (Ashanti Land) to interview Kumasi Buddhist
members. The thing that impressed me about the Kumasi members is the strong Buddhist spirit. In
Kumasi there is a kind of coolness about the Buddhist members. Kumasi member have a hip kind of
rhythm. In June I went around talking to various Buddhist members and I met hoarse like voice
speaking Kwaku Onyina. Kwaku has been practicing Buddhism for twenty six years. However if you
listen to him talk you would think that he is a new joining member. Since the opening the Temple in
Accra, Ghana Kwaku has made the determination to make each monthly Gosho lecture despite
living about 300 miles away from the Temple. When you speak to Kwaku you will know that his aim
and dream is to make it to Tozan for the 2002 general meeting. In listening to Kwaku you never
hear complaining, just gratitude and appreciation for his Buddhist practice.

Recently he was attacked with a severe cause of Malaria that was so bad it threaten death and was
hospitalized. Even hospitalized Kwaku chanted and never complained. Kwaku regained his health
and reports that his financial situation has improved. He took inspiration from the Gosho passage
"Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo" is like the roar of a lion, what sickness can therefore be an obstacle.
With his sincere determination he was just able to introduce one of his brothers to the practice. If
you ever get the opportunity to travel to Ghana look up Kwaku Onyina. Also if you plan to attend
the Nichiren 2002 celebration in Japan you will be sure to see an excited kwaku Onyina.
Story by Samuel Adonteng & Anthony Elmore

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