The man that started the denomination was Bishop Mason. His grandson was J.O. Patterson Sr. The Church that I visited was founded by a Great Grandson or Bishop Mason. His name was G.E. Patterson or Gilbert Earl Patterson. I put carpet in the Church run by his father.  We in this Buddhist lecture show to Buddhist that we African Americans are religious people who have strong cultural and religious ties and history of Religion.

We appreciate that our Japanese Teachers come to American to teach us Buddhism. There must be equality in Buddhism whereas our African American values, like history, culture music must also be a part of our Buddhist faith it is oppression for Japanese to dominate with their culture from Japan at our homes and communities in America.  We should be the masters in our communites.

Just a few years ago we sold African clothes for the wedding of the head Bishop in Memphis today by the name of Dr. David Hall it was a pleasure working with he and his wife. . Apostle G.E. Patterson is now deceased. He was a remarkable missionary. I few years ago I was in Accra, Ghana and this African woman called me “Pastor.” Later my Buddhist friend in Ghana Mrs. Joyce Adonteng told me that the Ghana woman had mistaken me for “Apostle Patterson.” We do not look alike but we both are tall and lighter that most Ghana people. I could see how I was mistaken in Ghana

While at my hotel in Ghana during prime time at night you can see the Memphis telecast of “Apostle” Patterson on television in Ghana. It was remarkable nothing the world influence this Pastor had on the world. Years ago we were at the Airport together and he said “Elmore how are you doing.” We had never talked but I am sure he recognized me from Memphis, Television. I was a World Karate/Kickboxing Champion in Memphis.
I mention about the Church people “Talking in Tongues.” To those who hear Nichiren Buddhist chanting   “Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo” and reciting the sutra, this could also be startling to an unsuspecting person.
However in my case once it was explained about the dynamics of chanting and what it meant I was motivated to Chant and recite the sutra. The talking in tongues is explained as a mystical spirit entering a body and causing a person to say strange and incoherent words. Today when I think about going to that Church I was trying to “get to Linda.” I did not want the religion but I wanted Linda.

The Church and the African/American woman is a very, very serious relationship. Black women are the backbone of the Black church. Women dominate most Churches in the African/American community. Religious ideas of love and relationships in the Black community come from a Christian based background.

The question that we come to now is; what is a Buddhist idea of love and relationships. What does Buddhist doctrine teach about premarital sex or extramarital affairs? In Islam a man can have more than one wife. In traditional African culture a man is allowed more than one wife. The aspects of love and relationships have a multitude of dynamics and one simple Buddhist lecture could not possibly cover all of the dynamics of love and relationships. This lecture is offering some insight into the Buddhist religion and in the course of our explanation we would attempt to provide some encouragement via Buddhist principles.

Click on the picture to learn about Bishop G.E. Patterson