In the words of a popular song from the1970's, I should have changed that stupid lock, I should have thrown away the key, I let my emotions get the best of me. Gloryer Gainer sang that song describing her feelings about a lover who jilted her in a romantic relationship. Her regret was that she gave him another chance, hoping he had changed, but as the song goes on to indicate, he had not, therefore inspiring the opening words above.

I too have regrets. This is not what you might think it is, however, I think you will find this writing interesting. You see, three years ago I decided to leave Nichiren Sho Shu and join Nichiren Shu, my reasons for this was based on doctrine, and that was all, I had no diagreements with the priest; I basically got along with them all, I had no so called cultural issues, the temple was quite diversified and I liked that, however, as I said before, it was doctrinal issues I disagreed with, and, so out of respect for the temple and the members of Myogyo-ji, I quietly left, not contacting or disturbing anyone with my decision.

Recently I reconnected with an old friend, Anthony Elmore, he e-mailed me a few months ago with e-mails he was sending to John Fenny, the Kyoto of Myogyo-ji Temple and also e-mails he was sending to Myogyo-ji members here in Memphis, they were quite derogatory. Since I had no contact with anyone in three years I was curious and wanted to know what was going on. What I heard from him was quite disturbing. He felt the Nichiren Sho Shu Priest was racist and the members here in Memphis Kowtowed to that racism. I asked Anthony Elmore, "If you are not happy with Nichiren Sho Shu, why don't you leave? His answers always confused me. He was enthralled in this slander of the Nichiren Sho Shu Priest and spending countless hours writing about them on his website.

Over the past few months, I began to talk to Anthony about Nichiren Shu. I figured, if he was so unhappy with Nichiren Sho Shu, he should check out Nichiren Shu. So, over the past few months, we talked shop so to speak. I invited him to a few meetings at my house. I'm the only Nichiren Shu member in Memphis and I belong to a Sangha in Houston, there is a husband and wife that I introduced to the practice about a year ago who are now practicing and will probably receive Gohonzon in the spring. We are very happy with we are doing and wouldn't change a thing.

However, having Anthony Elmore around, changes things and usually for the worst. He wanted to use me and the members from my group to start an all black sangha, called the Memphis proud black Buddhist. I didn't necessarily have a problem being part of a group of black Buddhist who came together from different buddhist traditions to talk about their experiences in Buddhism, however, I had a problem with calling that group a Sangha since I already belonged to one. This was tantamount to starting a new religion using Nichiren Shu to issue Gohonzons and teaching Nichiren Shu doctrine, but, under another name. I am not going to allow that to happen.
Instead of becoming a part of the group, he wanted to change the group.

Let me give you a bit of history. In 1996, I took Anthony Elmore on his first Tozan, I worked for Northwest Airlines and was able to travel for free. I owed Anthony money and I thought, what better way to repay a debt to a friend. At that time the Soka Gakkai and Nichiren Sho Shu had been split for about 5 years. Anthony had not made a decision about where he fitted in, so, I would go by his office and talk to him about Nichiren Sho Shu and encourage him to follow the Priest. I had already done 3 Tozans and now I wanted to tell my friend Anthony who was still on the fence. When he decided he would go, I was elated. When the day finally came for us to leave, I was so excited, I was taking my friend on Tozan to see the Dai-Gohonzon, However, my joy only lasted the length of the plane ride. Little did I know, Anthony had packed a lethal weapon in his luggage, a video camera. For the next 16 or 17 years Anthony, a video camera and a website would reign terror on Nichiren Sho Shu and it's priesthood. I rule the day that I said a word to him about Nichiren Sho Shu, I regret it deep in my heart and I apologize because of this ignorant hateful man. I will not do this to another Buddhist Sect.

Nichiren said, "It is the nature of beast to prey on the weak and fear the strong". Anthony Elmore, you are a bully and a terrorist, your knowledge of Buddhism is at best very shallow and so are you as a person. You push around members and priest of your own sect without any remorse. You write disparaging things on your shitty website about the Nichiren Sho Shu Priesthood. You are just as narrow minded as you claim they are. Your slander of them is deeper than any ocean and one day you will pay. Nichiren said that we shouldn't slander anyone whether it is true or not. You are arrogant and self serving. You love dropping names like President Obama, Steve Coyne, Issac Hayes and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. just to name few, as if these men gave a shit about you. You simply suck as a person. Everywhere you've gone, you draw fire conflict. Everything you've touched turn to shit. Please, do not contact me again. Do not come to my home, you are not welcome, do not send me another e-mail, I will not read it, and, perhaps you can help that poor girl Zambia get a Gohonzon through your almighty website. P.S. You can just kiss my entire ass, prick! jjjhhh

In 2008 & 2012 We Elected A Black President in America.  Nichiren Shu Memphis leader Mr. Shaka Khalphani writes that he has a problem with calling a group in Memphis, Tennessee a "Sangha."  Mr. Khalphani makes clear that he would never allow any group that he is associated with be called a Sangha because he is associated with the "Houston Sangha."  His mind is clear that there is no room in Memphis, Tennessee or the World for a "Black Sangha."  Mr. Shaka Khalphani has every right to his beliefs. Click on the link to see You Tube Video:    "Proud Black Buddhist World Association Sangha."
Please Click on the picture below of Anthony "Amp" Elmore and Congressman Steve Cohen who speaks about Anthony "Amp" Elmore efforts in regards to culture on the United States Floor of Congress.  Our respected Memphis Congressman gives a contrasted view of Anthony "Amp" Elmore than that of  Nichiren Shu Leader Shaka Khalphani writes.  We note that Elmore started a Black Buddhist Sangha that Mr. Khalphani writes strongly about. Mr. Khalphani writes he would not change a thing. We hold that Buddhist Teachings should be inclusive of the history and culture of African and African American people. Please read what Nichiren Shu leader Mr. Shaka Nkosi Khalphani wrote not only to Elmore but he posted to others as shown below.
This letter below was Posted by Nichiren Shu Memphis leader Mr. Shaka Khalphani. Nichiren Shu leader Myokei Shonin writes that we mis-represented what happen in Memphis.  Intelligent people can read.
Below are the examples of Terror that shaka describes regarding our video that is posted on "You Tube" Please click on the above pictures and see 100's of Videos of us communicating with Nichiren Buddhist Worldwide.  We have posted more historical video than any Nichiren Buddhist in the World.  There is not one single case of terror slander or any conflict.  Mr. Shaka Khalphani and his Priest Myokei Shonin misrepresent Anthony "Amp" Elmore
Anthony "Amp" Elmore in Japan speaking about cultural diversity and equality.
Please click on the above  picture and you will see a video I recorded of us at a Nichiren Shu meeting at the home of Mr. Shaka Khalphani.  We were at the meeting to learn Nichiren Shu Buddhism. I brought 3 people to several regular  meetings.  Please note in the photograph the 66 year old White man whose name is Timothy McKay who I introduced to Buddhism.  Shaka misrepresent me as a man who is promoting a "Racially Separatist" Buddhism. We believe that  Buddhist Teachings should be "inclusive" of all cultures and history. We came to the home of Mr. Khalphani with the understanding that we practice a "Buddhism Inclusive" of Black Culture and history. When we addressed our letter to Myokei Shonin and Nichiren Shu leaders Mr. Shaka Khalphani wrote the above letter that stated that we were no longer welcome at his home and we could         "Kiss his Ass."  He never mention in his above letter that I was the person who introduced him to Buddhism. He also failed to mention that he lived with me on two occassions when he had no place to stay.  Nor did he mention when he was a struggling over the road truck driver that I wrote him a check for $10,000.00 so he could be an independent trucker.  He never mention that I was more than a friend that I was once family to him.  What is it that Myokei Shonin and Nichiren Shu bring that would cause a once "Proud Black Man" to be "Proud of establishing a "Black Buddhist Sangha?"  A Black Buddhist Sangha is good.  When we bring the facts forward Nichiren Shu Priest Myokei outright tells a lie and says that we misrepresented the issue.