Please get your copy of our  Nichiren Liturgy Prayer Book. This book is more than just an ordinary prayer book where you can recite the Lotus Sutra. Our new prayer book is a 48 page full color prayer book. This book is designed to teach Buddhism in regards to the Lotus Sutra and not in regards to Buddhism.  The Lotus Sutra teaches that secular matters are the entirety of Buddhism. This New Prayer book approach the teaching of Buddhism for a secular prospective.  Moreover we proposefully designed this book in an African and African American cultural paradigm. We in our designing this book created a Buddhist culture of inclusion. Buddhism as it is taught by most Asians fail to acknowledge Buddhism's Black historical and cultural roots. This book culturally integrates  Black Buddhist history in a secular way to teach Nichiren Buddhism.

Anthony "Amp" Elmore at the time of this writing has been a Nichiren Buddhist for 40 years.  Elmore authored this 1st secular prayer book that is specifically designed to bring an African and African American cultural inclusion into the Buddhist teacings of Nichiren Daishonin.
