A few days ago I talked with Nichiren Shoshu member Craig Bracher who has been a been a website pioneer who has set the stage for Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism on the web. Often times when I call Craig I would get a recording about a Wizard Of Oz enterprise that Craig's wife is involved and I asked Craig about the business. In the conversation with Craig I mention to Craig about my idea of a Buddhist lecture on the Wizard of Oz. Craig seemed most pleased about the idea and we discussed about the aspect of a standard lecture and an Afro-Centric lecture. Craig asked me to present a standard lecture on the Wizard of Oz. Also read the Afro-Centric lecture on the "Wiz" (The Wiz is a Black version of the movie the wizard of Oz).
A few weeks ago I was in a supermarket an I saw my old college freshman English teacher. My wife who is from Africa explained to me that the gentleman seem to young to be an English teacher of mind. I explained to her that in college it was common for graduate students to be professors. My then young professor now heads the English department at the University of Memphis. During my days as a freshman at Memphis State University I failed freshman English and as the result of embarrassment and frustration due to not understanding the mechanics of English I dropped out of college. It was interesting that Dr. Martin explained to me that he remember me being years ahead of the students in my English class. He remembers me really understanding stories but I lacked the skills to put it in Standard English. I remember years ago telling Dr. Martin about the "Wizard of Oz " being a Buddhist story.

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