During my Karate days we use to sit in a Karate stance called the Fudo dachi  (immovable stance) call the Fudo Dachi. The White image of Fudo Myo' O is  adopted by many martial arts and Karate schools. During my study of karate we  learned of the Buddhist God Fudo myo'o. However never in my years as a  Nichiren Shoshu Buddhist did I realize that this deity was written on the Gohonzon.
 Please understand that White Martial arts schools transform this deity to their  culture however the minute an African or African/American claim or associate with  this deity we are called racist. People often say what difference does it make? By  my personally looking at the traditional Black Fudo Myo 'o and the White one I  get a different spirit. This White Fudo myo' o reminds me of the wrestler and now  Governor of Minnesota Jesse "The Body" Ventura. There is nothing wrong with a White Fudo Myo 'o but the minute you say that he is Then we are call racist. Something is wrong with this picture. We brought out the issue and we hope that this will encourage you to study more.
This is a Picture Of A Contemporary White Fudo Myo' o

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