Greg Martin


4603 Eastern ave.

Mt. Rainier, Md 20712-0067 12-23-93


Dear Greg,

Since I last wrote you I have received a response from Ms. Brenda Queen. It seems she is practicing Ikeda’s Buddhism correctly, as seen in her life condition and choice of words in her response. It’s so amazing that one person can violate 15 of the 14 slanders in just one letter. As I have stated before your members do not have even a cursory understanding of the theory of Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism. The only cursory understanding of the theory of Nichiren Daishonin’s teachings she seems to have is displayed in the choice of profane words she has for describing me, the High Priest and all of the followers in the Hokkeko. From what she said other than curse words, it seems she has a more thorough understanding of the SGI leaders, what they have done and the SGI’s argumentative points in relation to the conflict. You say that the SGI’s focus is on the Gosho, but from reading this obscene letter with no signature, I can find no clue of understanding of the Daishonin’s teachings or the reflection of the wisdom that is displayed in the life of a person who embraces his teaching correctly. From what I hear, she is a leader now. Her qualifications for this position must have impressed everyone who shares her same mind.

She in light of the universal law must have a first class ticket aboard SGI flight 666 destined for the avichi hell. Where the Ikeda picnic is scheduled to be held the year 2000. When I knew her as my girlfriend, she seemed to have a slight anger nature, but since then (6yrs.) it seems that this anger has exponentiated considerably. The 3 poisons have developed well in this "girl’s" mind over the years, thanks to her correct practice in the SGI under the guidance of her beloved " Ikeda Sensei." I’m sure Makeguchi and Toda would be ashamed to realize that what they taught or neglected to teach has led to such emotionalism and lack of respect for other humans, Buddhist or non Buddhist, especially the High Priest. If this "girl" is supposed to be responsible for leading the world into the next century representing Nichiren Daishonin’s philosophy, we all have no hope for change.

The devil of the 6th heaven must be glad to have her on his team. If she lets anyone know that she is a Buddhist, I am sure that this is all that is necessary to prevent them from taking faith. It also seems that she resents my Buddhist study. I wonder if she ever read the Daishonin’s passage, " without practice and study there can be no Buddhism." The SGI must not have conveniently explained this to her. The World Tribune must be the only thing required for reading in the SGI. She also stated that the Gohonzon is inside of her. Another one of the SGI’s doctrinal mistakes I stated just recently!

After reading her letter it’s not hard to conceive that she would believe the guidance that it was her mission to date her men’s division leader. Which resulted in her hospitalization for one week after contracting a STD from him. None of the so-called strong members in the SGI I have met were independent thinkers. They tend to feel safe and secure only in groups, never challenging the common view or pecking order. I will let you and everyone else come to their own conclusion about the contents of her letter.

Good luck explaining this one.

Alan Billups

Cc: All true believers of Nichiren

Rev. Yoshikawa