Why Will SGI Not Just Move On?

Time International Magazine estimate the SGI's wealth to be in the excess of 125 Billion dollars.  Every move that SGI make is calculated in dollars.  The SGI generated controversies calculate into dollars for the SGI.  When the SGI orchestrated the Hiroe Clow scheme  the SGI raised in the excess of  15 million dollars for the supposedly Hiroe Clow defense fund.  SGI Ikeda hired former prostitute Hiroe Clow who worked in a bar in Japan called Casino to implement an Ikeda scheme.  In addition to hiring a whore to discredit high Priest Nikken Shonin an SGI law firm commission their star witness Ronald Sprinkle $4000.00 per month to assist in the SGI Con Game.  It was revealed in court that in time of the alleged dispute that  Sprinkle was paid to lie by the SGI, Sprinkle was  out of town on a military assignment when the alleged "Seattle Incident" was to suppose to have happen.  The SGI is notorious for using cons and schemes to manipulate SGI members and the con "PRIEST SPEAK OUT" is SGI's latest con game.




On Tuesday October 26, 1999 an SGI Ikeda woman excitedly wanted to drop some new information to us at Proud Black Buddhist.  Prior to her coming we had drafted a letter to her indicating that we did not want to be involved in discussing SGI con jobs and we made it clear to the SGI leader that we found the entire SGI orchestrated Priest issue deceptive, manipulating and evasive of true issues.  The SGI leader insisted that we read the pamphlet and she was interested in our honest opinion.  

#We sensed that the SGI Ikeda women was not interested in our opinion and she just wanted to score some points for Ikeda since we had whipped SGI so bad.  She gave me the SGI con pamphlet and I handed her our "Walking Away From The Pimp", Malcolm X vs. Daisaku Ikeda and a letter I have since titled "Jedi Mind Trick".  (see on ppb web site).


The SGI Con Pamphlet: Priests Speak Out

The first thought that comes to my mind regarding Priests Speaking out against Nichiren Shoshu High Priest Nikken Shonin is a sigh of relief knowing that Nichiren Shoshu have removed other "WOLVES IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING".  My heart welled up and my eyes was moved to tears regarding the integrity and dedication of the almost 750 year old Nichiren Shoshu Priesthood.  Knowing the conning and manipulative  power and influence of the Ikeda SGI Nichiren Shoshu would in the course of its struggle lose a few priest to the conning SGI. Nichiren Shoshu  66th  High priest Nittasu Shonin in a March 1979 speech to a group of priest young Priest   mentioned that as far back as 1964 SGI members and study chiefs were already saying "The President is a Buddha".  High Priest Nittatsu Shonin knew that they could not undue in a short period of time what SGI has spent over 15 years developing.  


Ikeda's Buddha Image

Daisaku Ikeda was entrusted with responsibility and credibility of  representing the 750 year Nichiren Shoshu Buddhist Sect.  In representing Nichiren Shoshu Ikeda represented his own gain by cleverly manipulating a Buddha image, a mass fortune,  and an awesome political power making him czar of Japan.  The best kelp secret from U.S.A. SGI members is that (Sensei)  Daisaku Ikeda is the single most powerful man in Japan.  Daisaku Ikeda manages a media conglomerate enterprise that could rival Time or any major Hollywood movie studio in building himself an image or illusion.  As a religious leader Daisaku Ikeda has unprecedented power and control of SGI members.  Ikeda's brainwashing is so vast and so deep that he can publish an incredible document as "Priest Speak Out" and manipulate unsuspecting SGI members as in the case of the SGI leader who wanted us to read the document.

Priests Speak Out: Old SGI Story Repackaged To Reprogram!!!

SGI Daisaku Ikeda planted SGI represented Priests  into Nichiren Shoshu years ago.  Refer back to the SGI published Reformist book published by SGI's reformist Priest. The Reformist priests published erroneous stories  about 67th high priest Nikken Shonin in the past.  Years ago the SGI Reformist Priest maliciously  published manipulating stories one in particular that stated the  high priest buying things like golf memberships for his friends and other lies and cons.  The reformist priest are Ikeda control staff members utilized to implement an Ikeda agenda.  Notice how  Ikeda recently went to his paid Ikeda Priest staff and dispersed an Ikeda priest to Ghana to placate disgruntle African  SGI members.    Not only does the Ikeda religious empire have priests outside of SGI, but Ikeda has priests inside of  Nichiren Shoshu.  Nichiren Shoshu was corrupted by SGI and is corrupted by SGI influence.  Nichiren Shoshu 67th high priest Nikken Shonin had to insulate himself and Isolate himself from the SGI manipulative exposure.  The  SGI priest masquerading as Nichiren Shoshu priests, finally leaving Nichiren Shoshu is a welcome relief for Nichiren Shoshu.  Reverend Yuren Fujita and Reverend Bando Sato departing from Nichiren Shoshu is a Blessing.


If You Want To Get Rid Of Rats: Just Clean Up The Rat Infested Area

Nichiren Shoshu 67th High Priest ex-communicated and cleaned Taisekiji of the SGI infested areas and SGI rats began screaming, shouting and running for dear life.  SGI members launched campaigns trying to save Ikeda infested influences around Taisekiji. I remember SGI members crying about removal of Cherry Trees, next they complained about and Ikeda hall being torn down and the final straw came with  Ikeda's biggest monument the building called "Sho-Hondo" came crumbling down with Ikeda's  ego and pride.  Nichiren Shoshu 67th High priest Nikken Shoshu with the courage of a lion and the resolve of Nikko Shonin restored  Taisekiji to a pillar of pure faith and practice Nikko Shonin meant for it to be.   With the Sho-Hondo torn down the spirit of Ikeda no longer resides at Taisekiji. 

Soka-Gate SGI Desperation Attempt

Everyone in America living in the 1970's remember the desperate, scandalous and embarrassing attempt of the republication party break-in at the Watergate Hotel that toppled former America President Richard Nixon.  The event is infamously known as the "Water Gate Affair".  SGI in its desperate attempt to vilify Nichiren Shoshu 67th High Priest Nikken Shonin actually collaborated with a thief to obtain  what they call the Kuwabe Memo.  SGI members may or may not know that a scoundrel broke into the home of Rev. Kuwabe and stole his personal diary notes and purposefully misconstrued the stolen notes to maliciously and cunningly imply that 67th High Priest Nikken Shonin does not believe in the Dai-Gohonzon.  Ikeda in an effort to support his plan to vilify High Priest Nikken Shonin,  Ikeda opened  his hand and had his SGI priest masquerading as Nichiren Shoshu Priest,  with a show of conning  histrionics and manipulation SGI cranked up its SGI vilifying P.R. machine and initialized its current SGI Character assignation on 67th High Priest Nikken Shonin and Nichiren Shoshu. SGI is spreading rumors and erroneously information regarding 67th High Priest Nikken Shonin


The SGI Con Job

We at the Proud Black Buddhist web site had written in the past that SGI use negative reporting about Nichiren Shoshu to galvanize SGI members into an emotional negative energy as a tool or vehicle to control the thoughts of SGI members.  As long as SGI members are emotional and focused on manipulated  negatives information regarding  Nichiren Shoshu, Ikeda can control and manipulate SGI members based on erroneous information.  SGI members are being control via hate and manipulation.  Just as hate groups as the Aryan Nation, Ku Klux Klan and others are controlled via false and manipulative information SGI Ikeda is using the same scheming tactics. The Nazis did the same type of conditioning against the Jew in Nazis Germany.   SGI brainwashing is the same scheme is the same as the Nazis used in Germany.


Ikeda Priest Con Manipulation

For almost three decades Daisaku Ikeda has been feeding  manipulating mis-information regarding Nichiren Shoshu priests-hood  to SGI members.  Ikeda using some of his 125 dollar resources buying his SGI Priest Ikeda is using his paid for SGI Priest in a conning manner.  SGI  President Ikeda uses Ikeda paid Priest Yuren Fujita and Bando Sato.  Let us examine the issues they bring up and also examine  their credibility.

Let's Examine Rev. Yuren Funjita

First we will examine words of 44 year of former  chief priest Reverend Yuren Fujita who became a priest at the age of 31, documented years of Ikeda manipulation.  We must first examine this priest's background.  In his letter he quotes "ever since I became a priest at the age of 31, in 1986 I have been a part of the lower ranks".  Rev. Fujita writes "I was astonished at the report in the Association of the Priests Concerned About Nichiren Shoshu and Devoted To Protecting the law reports about High Priest Nikken Shonin once accepting that the Dai-Gohonzon was a forgery.  The question that Proud Black Buddhist ask is who is this association? Is this a report from a Nichiren Shoshu association of Priests or an SGI Association of Priest?  We at Proud Black Buddhist know of no such report from a Nichiren Shoshu association of Priests.  We ask Rev. Fujita to define the association of Priests.  We suspect that the association is the Ikeda paid  association of Priests.  Rev. Fujita's entire assertion is based upon an erroneous manipulated  SGI report.  Rev. Fujita admits that he was a lower priest and was not even privileged to the transfer of the Dai-Gohonzon.   Rev. Fujita only credibility is  that he made it to the lower ranks as a Nichiren Shoshu Priests other than that he was  just a hidden SGI Priest in a Nichiren Shoshu robe.


Let's Examine Rev. Bando Sato

Rev. Bando Sato confirms that the SGI manipulated report came from the July 7, 1999 issue of the "Domei Tsushin" reformist SGI priest news letter.  Rev. Bando Sato writes "In final analysis, that you chose to remain silent, offering no explanation, proved to me that you know the kawabe Memo is true."  We at Proud Black Buddhist ask the question how can a lower priest conclude that the thoughts  and actions of a high priest of not addressing an SGI allegation at a time of his choosing be conclusive proof that a memo is authentic?  We at Proud Black Buddhist understand that the Nichiren Shoshu High Priest have the right to address an issue at his own time.  Since Rev. Bando Sato is now an openly paid SGI staff member, we ask the question if Ikeda were to remain silent about a foolish allegation and not  answer a question by Rev. Sato's time-table does that also indict Ikeda?  Rev. Bando Sato became a  priest in 1978 at the age 18 and is 39 years of age.  In 1979 when 67th High Priest Nikken Shonin received the heritage from 66th High Priest Nittasu Shonin a 19 year old Bando Sato could not even be near Nittasu and Nikken Shonin.  During Rev. Bando's time of  joining Nichiren Shoshu Ikeda had placed SGI manipulators into the Nichiren Shoshu ranks.  Rev. Banto Sato questions the High Priest action of demolishing the building called Sho-Hondo and he question High Priest Nikken Shonin's decision to ex-communication of the SGI.  Rev. Bando says " Also, no one in the school voiced a request for the building of a new structure like the planned Hoando."  We ask the question does the Nichiren Shoshu High Priest make decisions by requests or does he move by his own wisdom?  In Rev. Bando Sato's September 9, 1999 Rev. Bando request that High Priest Nikken Shonin resign because of an SGI manipulated allegation.  Who is Rev. Bando Sato other than an Ikeda paid priest?  Should we at Proud Black Buddhist Web site give credibility to two former SGI imposter Nichiren Shoshu Priests Rev. Yuren Fujita and Rev. Bando Sato?


SGI Members Should Not Get Excited Too Soon

The latest SGI con document "Priests Speak Out" serves SGI's Ikeda's propaganda  purpose of causing confusion and distrust in the hearts of SGI members however among Hokkeko members there is no cause for alarm.  Famous world Blues singer  B.B. King had a hit record called "Don't make your move too soon".  We at Proud Black Buddhist say to the SGI Ikeda woman who requested that we review the propaganda pamphlet "don't get too excited too soon".   The circumstances is like a boxing match , a sporting contest or a court case, you cannot conclude a winner  just watching the first round of a boxing match and conclude the winner.  In a baseball game you do not watch the early innings and conclude a winner.  Have you not heard the phase "It is not over until the fat lady sing".  Take the example of the SGI manipulation of the Hiroe Clow case.  SGI members were all excited at first however when it was revealed that Hiroe Clow was a lying whore and Sprinkle was paid by SGI to lie, SGI member just found another cause to manipulate a new SGI Ikeda Con.

 SGI Sho-Hondo Silence

SGI members prided themselves in the glory that Hokkeko members were worshipping in an SGI Ikeda Grand structure and would push this issue at Hokkeko members.  SGI members were shocked and put in their place when 67th Nichiren Shoshu High Priest Nikken Shonin  courageously tore the SGI building down.  Not only did he tear the building down he committed to build a better more traditional structure in the old building called Sho-Hondo's place.  Not only was SGI excommunicated from Nichiren Shoshu so was SGI's things.  This reminds me of a person getting kicked our of a house and next their personal things come flying behind them.  SGI members are quiet about the issue and we Hokkeko members are proud that SGI relics are off our temple grounds.  SGI Priest Bando Sato report that Hokkeko members are being pressured to contribute to building a new structure.  No where have we seen or read of Hokkeko members being pressured, in fact we at Proud Black Buddhist cannot wait to contribute to building a new structure and we find it an honor to contribute.


Rev. Yuren Fujita and Rev.  Bando Sato Did Not Make A Wave

SGI members look as if they have gone through a war zone.  Most that we have seen is spiritless, frustrated and confused.  The SGI woman who presented us with the SGI con document wanted to score some points and we are afraid to report that not only did she not score any points but she did not make any waves.  In the ocean waves can be on the surface but down under there is peace and tranquility.   Regarding the "Kuwabe Memo" Rev. Kuwabe has not had the opportunity to respond however his son Rev. Shoshin Kuwabe chief Priest at Nichiren Shoshu temple Washington D.C. report the SGI story to be untrue.  Rev. Shoshin Kuwabe was my former Chief Priest and we at Proud Black Buddhist web site can personally vouch for Rev. Shoshin Kuwabe.  Nichiren Shoshu 67th High Priest Nikken Shonin is not required to react to SGI nonsense and stupid allegations.  However in the future report regarding the SGI con will be revealed as another SGI Con.

Proud Black Buddhist Web Site

We at the www.proudblackbuddhist.org web site have made the point clear that we do not wish to spend our time answering SGI nonsensical  charges. We choose to spend our efforts contributing positive to propagating Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism and we have answered the SGI charges and use this rebuttal for other Hokkeko members to examine.  We at the African and African/American or proud black Buddhist web site is emphasize Black perspectives, however we are not exclusively Black.  Nichiren Daishonin writes "there should be no discrimination between those who propagate "Myo-Ho-Renge-Kyo" and we welcome each and every Nichiren Shoshu member to participate at our web site.  We at our web site would love to hear from other Nichiren Shoshu members.........END


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