The True Buddha Nichiren Daishonin writes in the Gosho " If a mouse becomes a bat, it is neither mouse nor bird." On the weekend of January 21, 2013 Barack Obama Jr. took the oath of office to become the 1st Black President to be Re-elected.  During the inauguration ceremony President Obama clearly expressed his cultural and ethnic pride. Beyonce song the national anthem, Steve Wonder, Alisha Keys, Jennifer Hudson and who' s who in Black culture attended and performed.  Blacks embraced Buddhism in America however Japanese authority in Buddhism attenuated and subordinated African/American culture.   This cultural domination is "Racism."  In Memphis, Tennessee SGI leader Daisaku Ikeda brought in a Japanese by the name of George Kusaba to break up Black Groups.  Around 2003 NST Japanese Priest Rev. Murata broke up Black Buddhist group in Memphis, Tennessee.  In 2008 NST appointed Nichiren Shoshu Priest Rev. Iwaki. I asked Rev. Iwaki to learn about African/American culture via visiting our National Dr. Martin Luther King Civil Rights Museum.  This Japanese Priest not only refused to visit or offer a prayer for Dr. King this Priest conspired with the African/American leader not to communicate with me.  In February of 2012 I met with Rev. Iwaki this Priest had the audacity to tell me to leave "Culture out of Buddhism."  What this Priest meant was for me to subordinate my culture for his Japanese Culture.  This is not Nichiren's  True Buddhism!!!

Steve Wonder with President Barack Obama.  Alisha Keys  and Jennifer Hudson perform at the 2013 Inaugration celebration.  Buddhism will not grow in America until it is able to integrate with American culture.

In the Gosho "The Gift of Rice Nichiren Daishonin writes: "The true path lies in the affairs of this world. The Golden Light Sutra states, “To have a profound knowledge of this world is itself Buddhism.” The Nirvana Sutra states, “All of the non- Buddhist scriptures and writings in society are themselves Buddhist teachings, not non-Buddhist teachings.”
When the Great Teacher Miao-lo compared these passages with the one from the sixth volume of the Lotus Sutra that reads, “No worldly affairs of life or work are ever contrary to the true reality.
In April of 1999 we took our then 7 month old son Anthony "Amp" Elmore Jr. to the Nichiren Shoshu head temple at Taisekiji Japan to be formally accepted into Buddhism. My ex-wife  wanted our son to be a Nichiren Shoshu Priest. There is no place in Nichiren Shoshu Priesthood for a Black man in America. In January of 2013Anthony "Amp" Elmore Jr. is 14 years old in the 8th grade who entered an honors program. We encouraged "Little Anthony" to prepare himself to go to Harvard University. We are encouraging him to become an attorney & a Buddhist Scholar who follow the tenets of Nichiren Daishonin to learn and teach Buddhism with a "world view" inclusive of African history.  The Japanese do not recognize African history in Buddhism  nor do they recognize the importance of this history is to African and African/American children. We in America must take on the Japanese extrapulate racism from Buddhism period. There will never be a fair Buddhism in America or the world until the Buddhism is inclusive of all cultures and all people.  This goes for the segregated  all male all Japanese Priesthood.

January 21, 2013 President Barack Obama Jr. took the oath of office using Bibles of Lincoln & King. The religion of Nichiren Daishonin has the power to shape a great Buddhist leader who could become an American President using the Buddhist Gosho. The current Buddhist climate in America is not inclusive or conducive of shaping great Buddhist leaders or scholars.

Beyonce performing  the national anthem represents a cultural inclusion.
The 1970's represented the influx of a bold and exciting  Buddhist culture in America inclusive  of many cultures and  diversity  via the NSA Buddhist organization.  Japanese Buddhist leader Daisaku Ikeda initiated a cultural shift in America's Buddhist culture when he instituted to America his dominate Japanese SGI cultural religious propagation mechanisms.  Following Daisaku Ikeda in the like spirit of Japanese "Cultural Domination" in Buddhism in America is the NST or Nichiren Shoshu Temple  Buddhist system of propagation that incorporates a system of Japanese Cultural Domination that lacks the spirit of cultural inclusion justified by their "Priestly Religious Sanctity."

The 2012 Re-election of African/American President Barack Obama Jr. showed that America is no longer a "White Male dominated society." America is a nation of diverse people of many various and  inclusive cultures.  In the case of Nichiren Buddhism in America the case of "Japanese Cultural domination" should be challenged. We  in our household are Nichiren Shoshu Buddhist.  While we are Nichiren Shoshu Buddhist we do not ascribe to philosophy of  "Priestly Religious Sancity" as the philosophy is being propagaged in America. The Gosho or writings of Nichiren Daishonin clearly states in the 14 Slanders Gosho; that the 14 slanders apply equally to both the Priesthood and the laity.  One clear-cut example of Buddhist Slander in America.  African/Americans make up about 30% of Buddhist in America and there are no African/American Priest or "Lay Priest" in America such an action or in-action is 4 or more of the 14 slanders.  There are fourteen evil causes: (1) arrogance, (2) negligence, (3) wrong views of the self, (4) shallow understanding, (5) attachment to earthly desires, (6) not understanding, (7) not believing, (8) scowling with knitted brows, (9) harboring doubts, (10) slandering, (11) despising, (12) hating, (13) envying, and (14) bearing grudges. 

This is a photograph taken in April of 1999 at Taisekiji Temple of 6 month old Anthony "Amp" Elmore Jr. who was Gojakaied or formally inducted into Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism. In 2013 there is no place in Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism in America for Anthony "Amp" Elmore Jr. or Anthony "Amp" Elmore Sr. because the Japanese use Bully and Japanese cultural dominate tactics in America. Like in the "Red Tails"  we Fight Japanese racism and their cultural dominance in America.
