Nichiren Daishonin quotes in the Gosho "The Entitity of the Mystic Law:" The Great Teacher Miao-lo comments on this as follows: “The true aspect invariably manifests in all phenomena, and all phenomena invariably manifest in the ten factors. The ten factors invariably manifest in the Ten Worlds, and the Ten Worlds invariably manifest in life and its environment.”  The Ten Factors manifested in the life of Elvis Presley as the "Ten World Manifested in his life.
The "Ten Worlds" manifest in everyone's life depending on the person's "Karma."  Fundamentally based on the history of the cause and effect relationship of Elvis Presley early life, Elvis life basically dwelled in what is known in  Buddhism as the Four Noble paths. Elvis lived life as an artist who was seeking the paths of Learning and self-realization.  Most of Elvis peers considered him weird or a bit strange because his early life was dedicated to music and art.  Even at the cost of being ridiculed a "young Elvis" followed the path of learning the music of African Americans.  Early in life in Tupelo, Mississippi Elvis attended worship service with African Americans.  In Memphis, Tennessee Elvis hung around on Beale Street and he was often seen hanging around African Americans and aborbing himself in the music and culture of Black Memphians. Elvis was known to attend services at the Church of African American music great Dr. Herbert Brewster.
In relationship to racial relationships in the South and in Memphis, Elvis was ahead of his time.
From Elvis world of learning manifested the ten aspects

All life conditions manifest the 10 Aspects of Life.  Elvis Presley went from the condition of hell to dead.
