Before we get into the lecture I would like to explain some Buddhist theory. In Nichiren Buddhism there is a Buddhist term called "Kyochi Myogo". Kyochi Myogo is an important Buddhist concept, Kyo indicates the objective reality or truth of Buddhism and Chi mean subjective wisdom to realize that truth. In common terms Kyochi Myogo means the fusion of subject and object. In a more simplified term Kyochi Myogo means breathing a spirit into an object. Let me break this concept down further. Kyochi Myo means putting your heart and soul into something.

Please go along with me because I am still on the "Wizard of Oz". Frank Baum the writer of the "Wizard of Oz" achieved "Kyochi Myogo" with his 1919 book the "Wizard of Oz". This was not just a story but the "Wizard of Oz was a story for Frank Baum's grandchildren. Mr. Baum put his heart and soul into the story and the story touched the lives of children worldwide. Even before the movie was made in 1939 the book had sold over 15 million copies. Why did this story sell so much? The "Wizard of Oz" sold because it touched the heart and soul of humans. Frank Baum achieved Kyochi Myogo with his story.

Kyochi Myogo is not just a Buddhist term, people fuse subject and object all of the time. If an artist does a painting, and if the artist puts his heart and soul into the object, the object has the power to effect generations to come. In inscribing the "True object of worship" the "Gohonzon" Nichiren Daishonin put his soul into the object giving the object life. The Gosho reads, " I Nichiren inscribe my life in sumi" . If a human puts his life or spirit into something that object takes on a living character or nature. The nature of an object can grow and grow until it snowballs into a living being.


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